Parallel parking uk driving test
Parallel parking uk driving test


Examine your mirror and blindspots to prepare your point of turn, guaranteeing that you cause very little disturbance to pedestrians and other drivers.Įnsure that the road is completely clear before steering quickly while moving at a slow rate. Move over to the left and give yourself a lot of space and take your time to prepare. You ought to start off by picking a bay that is simplest for you, it’s advised to start with to avoid bays with vehicles on either side, if you can. Your inspector will ask you to pick a parking bay to drive into, which you must complete while staying in the lines.


With that being said, it is important to know how to safely demonstrate both manoeuvres as you might be asked to show this throughout your driving test, however, you may only be asked to show one. While numerous people prefer to forward bay park, it is safer to reverse bay park and, in some circumstances, a lot easier than forward bay parking. Bay parking is divided into two manoeuvres of forward bay parking and reverse bay parking. Bay ParkingĪmong the most important manoeuvres is bay parking, which is a basic manoeuvre which you will most likely be using each time you drive your car.


This guide explains the driving test manoeuvres you are expected to show throughout your driving test with some professional suggestions on how to complete these. Of course, there are other crucial driving manoeuvres that will not remain in the driving test, however, these are still important for you to learn when you become an independent and safe driver. As your driving test examiner will ask you to carry out one manoeuvre selected at random, it’s important that you can effectively and with confidence show all 4 manoeuvres. Whether you have currently booked your test or have only just started learning to drive, it’s definitely essential that you know the driving test manoeuvres and comprehend how best to demonstrate them.


Be prepared though for them to squeeze past as soon as they think they can.You may be a confident learner driver preparing to take your test, nevertheless, even some of the best drivers have problems with the standard driving manoeuvres, consisting of bay parking, reverse bay parking, parallel parking and an emergency stop. It is an unwritten law that motorists wait for anyone doing this manoeuvre, whether on “L” plates or not, and this is what they will do if they come up whilst you are doing it. The very nature of this manoeuvre is likely to inconvenience other traffic, so don’t start it until all is clear for a considerable distance ahead and behind, or as far as you can see, if restricted. Without such a unit, it will not be possible. This is with a modern car that has an engine management unit (EMU). However be aware that if you mount the kerb you will get no warning as this happens, so be accurate! It is permissible to do this manoeuvre without using the accelerator, using tickover only provided there is no loss of control. As you will not be leaving the vehicle, this is in order. You may be asked to do this manoeuvre in such a place as to cause you to finish across a driveway. You must finish within two car lengths of the parked car ahead. Again so long as you finish reasonably close to the kerb and you are not still nearly in the centre of the road, it will probably be okay. You are allowed a little to’ing and fro’ing to correct your position, just as you would if you were on your own. As soon as your front has cleared the parked vehicle, start steering so as to finish roughly where you started from.

parallel parking uk driving test

Because starting to turn from there, it is almost impossible to hit the parked car, something he has to think about. This is the reason for stopping exactly alongside, for it automatically gives you the correct place to start turning the wheel. Go slowly back, and turn the wheel immediately so as to go towards the nearside kerb. Stop with a good gap between you and the parked vehicle.

parallel parking uk driving test

You will find that exactly alongside is best – not in front, or with only the front half of your vehicle alongside. Try to complete the exercise within about two car lengths.” Now recommendations for the exact place to stop when “alongside” the car in front vary. Then reverse in and park reasonably close to and parallel with the kerb. Would you drive forward and stop alongside the car ahead. You will be asked to pull up on the left, well before the next parked car, then- “This is the reverse parking exercise. If you have to perform a reverse parallel park on your driving test, it may be that only one parked vehicle is present. Cars have much greater manoeuvrability when going backwards than they do when going forwards. It may seem easier to drive forward into a space between two cars but it is almost impossible to do it this way. Reverse parallel parking is an essential driving skill.

Parallel parking uk driving test